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Admission for SY 2024-2025 is now open. Classes start July 24, 2024. APPLY NOW!

Campus Ministry and Social Involvement

The Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu believes that the transformation of our community is a major work of God’s grace, and that personal and communal spiritual formation is an ongoing process.

Mindful of the reality of spiritual formation and transformation, the school through the spiritual formation programs seek to promote the teachings of the Church and Ignatian Spirituality to all the members of the community as a way of nurturing in them a life which conforms closely to the image and likeness of Christ.

Additionally, the Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office is tasked to design, implement and evaluate the Social Involvement Program of Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu. As a Jesuit school, SHS-AdC firmly believes that student-formation is geared towards finding God in all things. In this light, the social involvement activities of the institution are designed to heighten social formation that seek to imbibe among students the core values of the school particularly compassion.

Through outreach and various community engagement activities, SHS-AdC commits to its share of gradually transforming society in the spirit of the Ignatian ideal of Magis. Thus, an Ateneo Hearter is an academically excellent person who also has the passion to lead and the heart to love and serve others especially those who are marginalized.
The Social Involvement Program includes but is not limited to school-community relations (with students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni), social action and social awareness activities as well as community-based projects in the light of the school’s thrust as articulated in its Vision-Mission.

We invite all students, faculty and staff, parents and alumni of Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu to actively participate in the school’s social involvement activities. In this special Jubilee Year of Mercy may we “look forward to the experience of opening our hearts to those living on the outermost fringes of society: fringes modern society itself creates” (Misericordiae Vultus, 15).

Spiritual Profile of an ATENEO HEARTER

An Ateneo Hearter is a person with a deep spirituality and a strong sense of solidarity.

DEEP SPIRITUALITY [SINNER YET LOVED]An Ateneo Hearter is aware of his/her own sinfulness and yet believes that he/she is loved by God.
to be aware that one is not perfect and can commit mistakes – that is why an Ateneo Hearter feels the need for discernment and asks for the grace of forgiveness
An Ateneo Hearter is conscious about the reality that everything is a gift from God. He/she is then committed to take good care of all these gifts.
to be aware that one can find God in all things and that each person is called to do more with the gifts given by our loving God, to be responsible stewards of gifts especially in caring for our common home
An Ateneo Hearter has cultivated a deep sense of fidelity to the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the need for daily contact with God through prayer
to be constantly conscious of the Spirit of Christ especially through the sacraments, to be mindful of how the Lord animates his/her life, works, and personal growth by developing prayer and devotion
SOLIDARITY [MEN AND WOMEN FOR OTHERS]An Ateneo Hearter understands how one’s life can communicate faith, justice and love. The person communicates this by using God-given talents and gifts for the service of others.
To be acutely aware of the plight of the poor, outcast and excluded, to be willing to make sacrifices for the good of the community, to initiate works that promote justice, peace and reconciliation
An Ateneo Hearter’s love for God flows more in deeds than in words.
To know that devotion to Christ is shown explicitly through one’s care for others, to see the deep connection of our faith with the works of mercy


Student Formation


Our Student Formation Coordinators are responsible for the students’ formation, character, and well-being through its Student Activity Programs (SAP), Guidance Services, Character Prefects, and Social Involvement Activities per school department.



Mens sana in corpore sano—a healthy mind in a healthy body. Cura personalis—care for the whole person. The Atheltics Office provides various programs for aspiring student athletes as well physical education for other students.

Culture and Arts & International Programs

Learn more about the school’s Culture and Arts program as well as local and international student programs by the Culture, Arts, and International Relations Office (CAIRO).

Campus Ministry and Social Involvement

The Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office (CMSIO) aids in the spiritual formation of the SHS–AdC community. Furthermore, the school cultivates the sense of being “persons for others” through social involvement programs by the CMSIO and the Student Formation Program.

Health & Safety

Health and Safety

We value the health and safety of our students at the Safety and Security Office (SSO).

Learning Resource Center (LRC)

Our libraries and audio-visual rooms are always conducive for studying, research, and learning. We assure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff by regularly sanitizing our LRC facilities.

Inquire about SHS-AdC