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Admission for SY 2024-2025 is now open. Classes start July 24, 2024. APPLY NOW!

Senior High School Department

Preparation for College, For Work, and For Life

Principal, Senior High School

The Senior High School Department of Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu continues the mission of forming young men and women through holistic Ignatian education as expressed in the school’s vision and mission statements. Furthermore, the department works with the entire school towards the goals of formation as outlined in the profile of an Ateneo Hearter graduate in general.
In particular, the Senior High School Department positions itself as preparatory for college, for work, and for life by providing structures and learning experiences to form students of excellence, leadership, and service.
In pursuit of the magis, the Ateneo Hearter Senior High School Student constantly strives to exhibit EXCELLENCE through:

  • the use of critical thinking from a perspective of multiple disciplines when confronted with problems and stimuli in a variety of situations;
  • the exercise of creativity and innovation in identifying challenges and opportunities, in providing solutions, and in executing plans; and
  • the practice of effective communication skills in a variety of situations and purposes.

In the desire to be Lux Oriens, the Ateneo Hearter Senior High School Student, constantly strives to exhibit LEADERSHIP through:

  • the mastery of self- discipline, time management, responsibility, and grit as shown through one’s attitude to work and to one’s personal growth;
  • the ability to collaborate and cooperate with others in the attainment of a common goal; and
  • the practice of giving and receiving feedback respectfully and of resolving conflict peacefully with one’s peers and superiors.


In the attempt to order all aspects of one’s life for the greater glory of God (AMDG), the Ateneo Hearter Senior High School Student constantly strives to exhibit SERVICE through:

  • the deepening conviction that one is loved by God as manifested in the practice of well-discerned choices; and
  • the acceptance of the mission to be a person for others as shown in one’s relationship with oneself, with God, with others, with the Church, with the environment, with one’s country, and with the rest of the world.

Always Magis! Always Lux Oriens! Always Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

The Senior High School Program


Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM)


  1. prepares for global adaptation by developing “strategic agility” as a needed skill to thrive in a world that is D-VUCAD: Diverse, Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous, and Disruptive (Social Entrepreneurship). 
  2. aims to become a pioneer of innovation by appreciating the significance of business interests as well as the importance of contributing better and stable jobs to society (Labor Laws).
  3. practices ethical leadership through agile programs that advocate corporate governance and honesty in the conduct of business (Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility).
  4. aims to become a business leader in an AI world through critical thinking, idea creation, and negotiation skills (People Management). 

To learn more about out ABM Strand program, click the button below.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)


  1. reflects, prays, and lives out one’s Catholic faith (or values if non-Catholic) especially in the promotion of social justice (Catholic Faith-based Social Justice).
  2. practices reflective and effective oral and written communication through various media side-by-side critical reading and problem-solving skills in and through various disciplines (Discernment).
  3. shows appreciation for local, national, and international culture (i.e. language, literature, art, history, politics, religion, etc.) and
  4. makes relevant contributions when applicable (Cultural Sustainability).
    makes informed, concrete and life-giving choices that lead to one’s personal growth as well as the development of one’s community, church, and country (Catholic-Faith Based Social Justice, Discernment, and Cultural Sustainability). 

To learn more about our HUMSS Strand program, click the button below.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


  1. engages in scientific pursuits that apply biochemical and technological principles to advance personal and communal well-being (Biotechnology); 
  2. develops creativity and critical thinking in constructing models, structures, and innovative systems  to improve  peoples’ quality of life (Design Thinking); and 
  3. advocates for environmental stewardship through actions and initiatives that promote sustainability  and disaster-resilient designs (Green Engineering and Technology)

To learn more about our STEM Strand program, click the button below.

Senior High School Subject Offering Matrix

As of SY 2021-2022; subject to change when the need arises

Grading System

In order to assure mastery of core concepts and competences in this school year, a qualitative grading system is employed. Teacher-made competency-based rubrics are employed during summative assessments as bases in evaluating learners’ achievement of standards. Varied and relevant assessment approaches, strategies, and tools are employed to measure student success.

Grade Components

Bases for grading in subjects vary depending on their nature and goals.

Grading Computation

Bases for grading in subjects vary depending on their nature and goals.

In order to give clarity for students the qualities their work should have, to promote high level critical thinking, and to assess their performances, competency-based rubrics will be provided for every work, task, requirement, and submission.

Teachers input a letter grade for every competency measured in a particular assessment into the Electronic Grading System (EGS). The system assigns a numerical signifier for every letter entry. The average of the numerical signifier will determine the final grade of the student. Student’s report card will only show the letter grade for every subject.

Type of Assessment

Various types of assessments are provided in strategic stages of the learning materials to provide feedback on student’s progress in achieving desired learning outcomes. Formative assessments are not graded but are recorded to serve as bases for proper intervention: remediation or enrichment. Summative assessments are graded as bases for evaluating proficiency level in competency/competence measured. A competency-based rubric will be a guide to students on the expected demonstration of transfer of learning. It will also serve as a feedback on student’s progress towards the standards.

Guidelines on Assessment (Learning Contract Details)

Student must adhere to the timeline in submitting tasks and requirements for the subject. Provisions on the consequences for noncompliance are stipulated in the learning contract. The student is given until the completion week to comply requirements for subjects in the term.

Late Submissions

A. Late submissions with the following valid reasons will be accepted within 1 week (7 school days) excluding holidays, without deductions from the time of deadline or due date provided that proper documentation will be presented or submitted:

  1. Health reasons (with official medical certificate or excuse letter duly signed by a parent or guardian)
  2. Representing the school for Official Business
  3. Fortuitous events (e.g. floods, accidents, landslides, etc.)
  4. Death of immediate family member
  5. Appearance in Embassy/Consulate

The 7-day extension begins after the student’s email has been approved by the character prefect and noted by the adviser.

B. Students may be given consideration for late submission due to connectivity issues on the condition that:

  1. The student will communicate through Teams and send a private message to the class adviser as soon as connectivity allows.
  2. The student will submit the output within a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours after confirmation of the teacher of said connectivity issue, or at a reasonable period agreed between the teacher and the student.

C. Late submissions without valid reasons will still be accepted within forty-eight (48) hours or 2 (two) school days from the time of deadline or due date but will receive one letter grade lower from the actual letter grade received for each consecutive day missed. All submissions must be submitted through MS Teams and will be accepted during the time allotted for the subject only. Submissions after the subject period will be considered submissions for the next day and are considered late in all forms and purposes.

Student Activity Program (SAP)

To learn more about our Student Activity Program for Senior High School, please click here go to this page under Student Life.

Learn More

ABM Strand

Accounting, Business, and Management

HUMSS Strand

Humanities and Social Sciences

STEM Strand

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


Grade School

Grade School
(Nursery 1 to Grade 6)

Keeping in mind the school’s objectives to offer the pupils quality education, the Grade School Department strives to carefully organized its curriculum and instructional programs not only to meet the requirements of the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education but also to realize the Vision-Mission of the school.

Junior High School (Grade 7 to Grade 10)

Strengthen, explore, pursue. These are our calls of the Junior High School department – to strengthen the foundation of knowledge and values, of character and wisdom; to explore better versions of one’s self and the things students love to do; and to pursue growth holistically and excellently. We aim for students to grow deep roots and bear good and many fruits.

Senior High School (Grade 11 and Grade 12)

The Senior High School Program exemplifies the seven core values in its curriculum. As graduate-Ateneo-Hearters, when students finish Grade 12, we envision them to be inspired and ignited with the gift of St. Ignatius to humanity, the gift of Ignatian Spirituality.

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

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