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Student Formation

The Student Formation Program aims to develop the students’ character, values, and skills, aligned with the school’s mission and vision. The program provides opportunities for the students to participate in various activities that promote self-awareness, leadership, and service to others.

The Student Formation Program integrates Ignatian spirituality and the Catholic faith in its activities, creating an atmosphere of respect, compassion, and empathy for others. The program also includes retreats, recollections, and seminars that deepen the students’ faith and strengthen their relationship with God through the Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office (CMSIO).

Aside from the spiritual aspect, the Student Formation Program also emphasizes the development of the students’ social and emotional intelligence. With coordination with the CMSIO, the program encourages students to participate in service projects and outreach programs that address the needs of the less fortunate. Through these activities, the students learn to appreciate diversity and become socially responsible individuals.

In summary, the Student Formation Program of Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu is a holistic approach to education that aims to develop the students’ character, values, and skills, aligned with the school’s mission and vision. The program integrates Ignatian spirituality, Catholic faith, social responsibility, academic excellence, and physical well-being, creating well-rounded individuals who can make a positive impact in the world.

The Student Formation Program includes the following services and programs in each department:

  1. Guidance Services
  2. Character Prefects
  3. Student Activity Program
  4. Social Involvement


Assistant Principal for Grade School Student Formation

Assistant Principal for Junior High School Student Formation

Assistant Principal for Senior High School Student Formation

Guidance Services

The Guidance Services of each department offers a variety of programs and services for the holistic and mental well-being of the student in the spirit of cura personalis.


Character Prefects

Discipline is a shared and complementary effort of all school authorities, “the substitute parents.” As a community that cares for one another, Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu views school discipline as a shared effort among adult community members – the teachers, staff and administrators. The Character Prefect Offices of the Student Formation of the Grade School, Junior High, and Senior High School departments play an active role in the observance and promotion of discipline.


Student Activty Program (SAP)

The Student Activity Program (SAP) of Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu aims to provide students with opportunities to participate in various activities outside of the academic curriculum. The SAP is designed to promote holistic development, enhance students’ skills and talents, and provide a platform for socialization and community involvement.

To know more about the Student Activity Program (SAP) of each department, visit the link below.

Grade School

Grade School Student Activity Program

Know more about the Grade School Student Activity Programs

Junior High School Student Activity Program

Know more about the Junior High School Student Activity Programs

Senior High School Student Activity Program

Know more about the Senior High School Student Activity Programs

Social Involvement

Through the Student Formation Program and the Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office (CMSIO), the school’s mission is to form men and women for others, who are committed to promoting social justice, peace, and environmental sustainability.

The social involvement programs aim to foster a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and compassion among the students. These programs provide opportunities for the students to engage in service projects and outreach programs that address the needs of the less fortunate and marginalized sectors of society.

The social involvement programs are guided by the Ignatian principles of education, which emphasize the importance of engaging with the world and working towards social transformation. The programs encourage students to develop a critical understanding of social issues, analyze the root causes of social problems, and take concrete actions to address them. Immersion programs provide students with opportunities to live and work with communities in need, allowing them to experience firsthand the realities of poverty, inequality, and injustice. These experiences help students develop a deep understanding of social issues and become more empathetic and compassionate individuals. Volunteer work programs provide opportunities for students to contribute their time, skills, and resources to various community projects and initiatives. These programs enable students to make a positive impact in the lives of others and develop a sense of social responsibility and solidarity.

Overall, the social involvement programs of Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu reflect the school’s commitment to forming men and women for others who are socially responsible, compassionate, and committed to social transformation. These programs empower students to engage with the world and make a positive impact in the lives of others, reflecting the Atenean way of education.

To know more about the social involvement programs, visit the page for the Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office.


Student Formation


Our Student Formation Coordinators are responsible for the students’ formation, character, and well-being through its Student Activity Programs (SAP), Guidance Services, Character Prefects, and Social Involvement Activities per school department.



Mens sana in corpore sano—a healthy mind in a healthy body. Cura personalis—care for the whole person. The Atheltics Office provides various programs for aspiring student athletes as well physical education for other students.

Culture and Arts & International Programs

Learn more about the school’s Culture and Arts program as well as local and international student programs by the Culture, Arts, and International Relations Office (CAIRO).

Campus Ministry and Social Involvement

The Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office (CMSIO) aids in the spiritual formation of the SHS–AdC community. Furthermore, the school cultivates the sense of being “persons for others” through social involvement programs by the CMSIO and the Student Formation Program.

Health & Safety

Health and Safety

We value the health and safety of our students at the Safety and Security Office (SSO).

Learning Resource Center (LRC)

Our libraries and audio-visual rooms are always conducive for studying, research, and learning. We assure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff by regularly sanitizing our LRC facilities.

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