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Admission for SY 2024-2025 is now open. Classes start July 24, 2024. APPLY NOW!


To learn more about our academic programs and curricula, please select a department below:

Grade School

Grade School
(Nursery 1 to Grade 6)

Keeping in mind the school’s objectives to offer the pupils quality education, the Grade School Department strives to carefully organized its curriculum and instructional programs not only to meet the requirements of the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education but also to realize the Vision-Mission of the school.

Junior High School
(Grade 7 to Grade 10)

Strengthen, explore, pursue. These are our calls of the Junior High School department – to strengthen the foundation of knowledge and values, of character and wisdom; to explore better versions of one’s self and the things students love to do; and to pursue growth holistically and excellently. We aim for students to grow deep roots and bear good and many fruits.

Senior High School
(Grade 10 to Grade 12)

The Senior High School Program exemplifies the seven core values in its curriculum. As graduate-Ateneo-Hearters, when students finish Grade 12, we envision them to be inspired and ignited with the gift of St. Ignatius to humanity, the gift of Ignatian Spirituality.

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