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Service as the Prime Motivator of the HEART

As I strive to really understand the word service, I came across numerous definitions from several dictionaries and stumbled upon an array of quotes from different influential personalities. However, these definitions and quotes are hollow at best. This word is something that you have to experience first-hand to truly understand its nature. In this extraordinary year of mercy, the word service is elevated to its purest form. We are made to understand that service is a way of life. It acts as a passport for us to become a true Ateneo Hearter. These acts of service become the lifeblood of Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu’s generous HEART as it continues to selflessly give back to the community it serves.

The school is an institution that does not only hone our special talents and skills, it also enables us to witness to the Sacred Heart through service. As we continue to celebrate our 60th anniversary, many programs were created by the school to further enhance the school’s vision-mission. Projects such as the Blue Plate Project, the Liter of Light, the Bags of Love, the Mission Drive, among many others, have truly been an effective way to show service to our brothers and sisters who are in need. These programs do not only help us become true Ignatian servant leaders, but also challenge us to push our skills to the limits and use our God-given talents for the benefit of others.

20150819_151607By diligently accomplishing their tasks and responsibilities, the administrators, the teachers, the staff, and the rest of the school community have committed themselves to serve others. Everyone has truly embodied the values of MAGIS, Lux Oriens and Cura Personalis, as well as the 7 core values of the school: Christ-centeredness, compassion, community, conscience, competence, culture and character. Lifted by the guidance of our patron saint, St. Ignatius of Loyola, all these are done for the greater glory of God.

As persons with and for others, we are called by God to help those who are in need in our own little ways. This outlook encapsulates what it’s like to be a part of the Ateneo de Cebu community. With this, there is no doubt that despite its 60 years of dedication and commitment to excellence, leadership, and service, this very Sacred Heart will continue to beat enthusiastically for more years to come.

Always MAGIS! Always Lux Oriens! Always Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

Article contributed by Justin Jude Dionio (Grade 6 – Loyola)


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