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Lights, Camera, Action! Your Teachers are Ready! Teaching from Home in the New Normal

Teaching from Home in the New Normal
Rhoderick John S. Abellanosa
HRMO Director

Though classes have become virtual, teachers have practically remained the same: persons in authority, energetic, and . . . very much eager to give exams!

But what are behind the scenes? How did they prepare for all these performances?
Since May, teachers have been briefed and oriented on what and how to get ready for a practically different world of instruction in the new normal. Ateneo Hearter formators have planned for more than two months on how to design their own working space at home keeping in mind the challenge that “work” and “home” occupy one and the same locus these days.

From having a well-prepared daily routine to being conscious with domestic and professional boundaries – these have been carefully studied as necessary preconditions to the delivery of online teaching. Many teachers have also used work-life segmentors. These are strategies or objects that allow those in remote work to feel the daily transition, hence the wearing of uniforms or the school ID, and the use of props in the delivery of the lesson.

So if you, as a student, feel challenged and pressured these days, teachers are doubly in the same situation. They have to ensure that there is light, and then camera, before they’d say . . . ACTION!

Different folks with different strokes, all with the same goal in mind: to make Ateneo HEARTER online an effective and efficient avenue for learning and formation.



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