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Admission for SY 2024-2025 is now open. Classes start July 24, 2024. APPLY NOW!


Growing up in the time of COVID19 has been especially challenging for the young learners. Aside from physical classroom instruction being constrained for the time being, the shared fun experiences with friends – playing outdoors and exploring nature through the various activities in school – have also been disrupted.

Despite all these, the Early Education teachers continue to lovingly reach out to every young Ateneo Hearter in his or her own learning space at home no matter what it takes – singing, dancing, making silly faces and voices, and sharing stories in front of the webcam. The daunting task of being teachers in the virtual classroom does not stop them from exploring innovative approaches to ensure that each session is engaging and worthwhile. Witnessing the young Ateneo Hearters’ milestones on screen has been bittersweet but nonetheless fulfilling. While the teachers teach them from a distance for now, they surely hold each and every child dearly in their hearts.

Denise Corina Llamera

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