Admission for SY 2024-2025 is now open. Classes start July 24, 2024. APPLY NOW!

Change of School Year (Memo 2024-002 from the Office of the President)

Change of School Year (Memo 2024-002 from the Office of the President)

Dear Ateneo Hearters Parents and Guardians,

Greetings of Peace!

After conducting a survey with our parents, guardians, and students, after careful reflection and evaluation of the past three years, and given the movements in the government’s school calendar for basic education, we are planning to transition to a June- March calendar by school year 2026.

The move will enable our students After conducting a survey with our parents, guardians, and students, after careful reflection and evaluation of the past three years, and given the movements in the government’s school calendar for basic education, we are planning to transition to a June- March calendar by school year 2026to learn and study in a more conducive learning environment without being affected by the summer heat.

Rest assured, this move will not compromise the ability of senior high school graduates to enroll in local, national, or international colleges and universities that often begin terms in July, August, or September. It will, in fact, give them ample time to rest after graduation and to focus on college preparations.


Fr. Michael I. Pineda, S.J. (sgd.)

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