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What starts with “C” that ends with a “B” and adds more fun and learning to the grade school’s academic programs? It’s the CLUB! More completely known as the Curriculum Enrichment Program (CEP) – Club, it supports the curricular programs to further ensure that Ateneo hearters get to truly soar higher as Magis Eagles. 

Reflective of 21st Century learning, the Curriculum Enrichment Program (CEP) – Club is learner-centered. It anchors its wide selection of offerings on the pupils’ interests and their multiple intelligences. As part of the Student Activity Program (SAP), the CEP – Club provides meaningful avenues for the pupils, the Ateneo Hearters, to explore, discover and develop their God – gifted talents and skills and share them to the community. 

This year, the CEP – Club is on its second year of reinstatement since the online learning delivery mode. Its implementation in the face-to-face set-up gives the learners the gradual transition to something they are familiar with – only this time, the upgraded version.  

To complete the school year 2022-2023, the grades 1 and 2 pupils showcased their talents and giftedness in arts, singing and dancing to their parents at the Lux Oriens Gym last April 26 and 28, 2023. Through their CEP-Club culminating activity, pupils showed the fruits of their learning alongside their personal development and innate talents which were honed and nurtured in the program.


Our pupils from the intermediate levels also had their fair share of showcasing their giftedness in the different club offerings. The members of the various sports clubs had their Sportsfest last April 19, 2023. The sports clubs help form champions with character among our young Ateneo hearters.

The Sportsfest winners were awarded during the culminating program at the Lux Oriens Gym last April 27, 2023.  It was also during this program that the CEP facilitators were recognized for the zestful school year.

The Arts and the Homemakers Clubs, working hand-in-hand with the Science, Math, Music, Arts, Physical Education, Home Economics, and Computer, trailblazed the Maker Faire 2023 last April 17-21, 2023.  Part of the celebration is the exhibit of all the Arts Club members’ year-long outputs and the Homemakers’ sandwich making in the Grade School Activity Area.

The performing arts club, namely: The Blue Tag (Theater Arts Guild), Hataw at Galaw, a dance club, and Children’s Choir had their culminating activity at the school theater last April 25, 2023.  Together, they presented a play featuring the realities and adventures of children their age. The audience composed of parents, guardians and Grade four pupils were amazed how naturally talented the members are in acting, singing and dancing. 

All these are only possible with the commitment and dedication of all Ateneo hearters, their parents and guardians and their CEP facilitators. Little by little young Ateneo hearters unwrap their giftedness with the hope that they use it   in alleviating other people’s lives as their gift back to God.    

Mrs. Mae Divine C. Velasco, GS AP – Student Formation

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