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Working Hard in Silence

“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.” – Frank Ocean

The Magis Eagles Arena was surely filled with noise of applauses last June 25, 2014 when we held the High School Honors Assembly. There were a total of 306 medalists, who all worked hard last school year and truly deserved their medals.

These medals were presented by our school president, Fr. Manuel A. Uy, SJ, and was assisted by a few other teachers. Members of the TAG, Dance troupe, and Glee clubs also performed their own numbers in the beginning of the program and during intermissions. This day was truly a day to celebrate our talents and skills, whether in academics or performing arts. We hope that this assembly will serve as an inspiration to our students to strive harder this year and be the best they can be. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

News Article contributed by Joan G. Tee of HS IV – St. Ignatius of Loyola


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